We have a Moultrie (IR 65?), a primos truth cam 35 and dusty has a bushnell trophy cam.

I would rank them in that order from least to most impressive.

I would put a half blind, narcoleptic abstract artist with a dull crayon and some wet paper slightly above the moultrie in that ranking.

Most bang for the buck I think is the truth cam 35 (if you can still find them) they should be at or just below $100, they trigger, they flat out capture. IR is fair, night captures out to� I�d say close to 35 feet are clear enough to make out. (not sure if that�s why they call it 35, or if 35 is the bulb count)

The images aren�t as nice as Dusty�s bushnell trophy cam which also triggers just as it should. But for the money, if you want multiple cameras out that won�t break the bank and have great battery life I like them truth cam 35�s.

If you want one good camera out there that takes great pics, triggers excellent and does great IR night captures too, Them Bushnell trophy cams are pretty sweet.

No budget? Well, the possibilities are endless.

But I damn sure get a hundred bucks worth of capture and clairity out of my cheap trophy cam 35.

It does better than I expect it to for the $

Something clever here.