I don't really know where to start. I took half a day last Thursday and all day Friday off. I hunted Thursday evening with no success.

I returned to the empty cabin which was nice and warm now as I had lit the stove several hours earlier before I went out to hunt. I was cooking myself a lousy meal.... Couldn't find any hot dogs so I had to settle for this junk:

A 1 lb loin steak with saut�ed mushrooms, bell pepper and onion.

[Linked Image]

Covered it up in thinly sliced pepper jack cheese, it was just terrible. The sacrifices a man makes, oh well, I managed to choke it down.

[Linked Image]

As I'm suffering through my meal, I see headlights coming up the trail to the cabin. I figure it's buschpilot and company coming for a camp visit. So I continued on, suffering through my task with knife and fork.

The cabin door opens, in walks our very own captain bang flop and his side kick Tucker. Holy cow I was surprised! He got the ok from mama to make the trip up to the cabin and she was actually coming up herself on Saturday! (she is very pregnant so they have been sticking close to home)

Well we clicked into party mode immediately, then buschpilot and his crew showed up and the evening escalated with stories and laughs. It was a great time.

Missy and Eileen showed up on Friday, then it was Nate and chickenbuck Joe, then Weezy, then Me and Pam (we had a Christmas party to attend at my work place)

Saturday our crew grew as we added 3 more girls, We had all of Dusty's grand kids at camp, it was really cool.

No hunting success Friday or Saturday.

But then came Sunday....

Something clever here.