I was unhooking my mower (think large 3 batwing) from the tractor yesterday, the jack peg was broke so I used a handiman and was going to put it on a black of wood. as soon as I lifted it and pulled the hitch pin. I saw it start to shift sideways and thought "thats odd but it shouldn't go far" at that moment I remembered the handiman and jumped to the side, it whacked my right arm so hard I'm bruised from my shoulder to below my elbow and it hurts to bend it, I doubt anything is hurt bad, but it sure is sore. I'm so thankful it didn't hit me in the back, it would have likely pinned me against the tire or 3 point and really hurt me. little man is sick today with a fever over 101 so I have to stay home with him. probably need to rest the arm too. shoveling after I did it was painful.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.