Nothing better then seeing a Yote come to the call.. Make sure you don't have the volume to high for the first 5 minutes or so after that gradually increase the volume SLOWLY. You'll blow them out if they are close with loud calling right away. Make sure your completely concealed and or have your outline brokenup by sitting in the middle of some buckbrush or up next to a ceder or pine. Never hurts having a quiver rabbit off to your side about 20 yards to keep the attention on it and not you when you ready for a shot. Some people even use small dogs like red doxins which are trained to run back and forth.

I've called in several yotes and usually its time to move if you haven't seen one in the first 30 minutes, only once did I sit for over an hour and have anything come in. Got Bob the kitty that time! Keep both rifle and 12 ga handy also keep calling after you shoot and look for more usually they hunt in pairs or more and get another shot at another yote right away as he looks for his buddy.

Try for other helpful info. Good Luck on the Yotes CaptainBangflop and my campfire friends..