Originally Posted by Wtxj

And what's the reason for all the killing?

Bovine TB

A farmer's cattle tested positive, I don't recall exactly what year it started, probably around 2005. I think in the end there were 12 farms that tested positive. Area farmers with cattle had to go to high fences and take precautions to keep wild deer from feeding in the same area as the cattle. Then the DNR started testing deer for TB, I don�t have the exact numbers but I think since 2005 they have found a total of around 27 deer that they figure tested positive for bovine TB. As I understand it this test is somewhat subjective rather than a true positive true negative test. Sample quotas early on were large, like 1800 or so. I believe they were looking for 500 samples to test from this fall but I don�t think they have reached that number.

I spoke with a store owner (registration point) in our hunting area on Friday about registration numbers so far this year, he figured about 100 deer total. I asked him how many were actually from the forest where we hunt vs deer hauled in from out of the area to try to help reach the quota so the DNR doesn�t rev up the gun in the sky and kill the few deer we have left. He figured maybe half�

50 deer for this area? For the entire regular centerfire rifle season? That�s ridiculous, not too many years ago 50 deer would be tagged in the opening hours of the season as the sun came up.

I stopped by the same store last night and asked him how many deer were registered on this 1st weekend of muzzle loader season. He said none.

So, there ya go.

Tzone, RWS and myself were right on par with every other muzzle loader hunter in our area this last weekend.

A big old zero.

Come to think of it that�s pretty close to the number of shots we heard fired over the weekend too�.

Something clever here.