Originally Posted by Stan_in_SC
My dad was an avid golfer and I played some when I was young but could never get into the game. He loved going to the Master's Tournament every year. Being a newspaperman he had press passes to get in.
The course itself is a beautiful place I hear.
On another subject I see that this post has passes 80 MILLION, that's MILLION views. WOW!!! The place has a life of it's own.
I am proud to be here.

Stan in SC

well in all fairness I do check it a couple times a day... smile

thats pretty amazing! I wonder how many aren't even registered users who read from work to get their "deer camp" fix all year long? pretty cool nonetheless. Dave, you're a celebrity!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.