Ah Ha! You admit to hunting in jeans!! Oh wait. I do too. blue ones even. But do yours have sequins on them? I 'spect they might! eek

Yeah, best you stick to the technology of yesteryear, lest you find the peace and tranquility of shooting an auto. wink And so far so good with me, not a single jam for this gun. Been shootin' it since '96 and figure I am north of 11,000 rounds so far. I am due, and will prolly break down and shed a tear when it happens. The nice part about an auto is that I can swap out barrels and I use it for deer too. Hard to do that with the doubles out there. And incidently, that is where I for sure want more than 2 shots.

After all the pokin' fun at them, I do respect them. Some guys like them and if you can hit with one, that is what you should be using. but i will stick with my stats and the one I have. Pumps now, dont get me started on those.... laugh

I have handled some of the $2K-$3K O/Us (Brownings, Berettas, etc). Maybe the more expensive ones are better? I dont know.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.