Nice Ryan! Very good looking buck. I was wondering how it was going out there for you with the storm.

Dave, to answer your question of a few pages back, we have a gas fireplace. But Mrs Berettaman....or I wonder if I should call her Berettawoman?....anyway we both sat on the couch and watched the fireplace fire away after the kids went to bed.

We pulled off another epic goose hunt on Saturday. I got my dad out and we had 8 adults and 7 kids. We were all done by 826 am with 24 geese. Could have probably shot 75 or so as they just kept piling in. Dad got the bug and we went out duck hunting that evening and ended up with 7 ducks. That is a great Saturday in my book.

Scary week for me as the wife signed the boys up for a hockey camp. Fingers crossed they dont like it! I do not want to be a hockey dad.

Colorado elk next year huh ND? We have a Wyoming trip planned. I cant wait!

The house looks nice and straight Muffy! no sag in the roof either! Keep the pics coming.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.