Originally Posted by SSB
Surely the most worthy of the open style boats and I have seen first hand that they look just right behind Ford F350's..........my turn to run now.......

OMG SSB...I can't believe a new-be as yourself would jump on this wagon of sorts with all the other fellows in this threat! Am I fighting a losing battle? Thought if I didn't say anything, it would go away. grin

CBF-good job on helping with sandbags and whatever you can. As I remember from the flood here in Roseau a while back, fresh blood and faces help tremendously. People get worn down, tired, etc but when someone new comes along it sure seems to pick them up and keep them going.

I too, pray for the F-M area and hope the dikes hold and the river will go down. I LOVE that place, its old stomping grounds...

"I'm not crying!!"