I would be a little upset, even if it was Mule deer.

I never understood the fascination with them stinky yucky deer. sure they are bigger and the bucks grow bigger racks (when allowed to). but on a whole they are on the decline and are stupid as a whole.

with my job I get to see many out of state hunters come out after the "elusive" mulie. problem is they see a 140" class buck and think it's big so they shoot them. sure the rack looks nice (compared to their white tails) but its actually a small deer by mulie standards. ok maybe not "small" but it aint the bruiser they think when they shoot him. the problem lies when those bucks don't get the extra year or two to mature and get to a "trophy" level. I'm not a trophy hunter by any means, but I understand it, so I try to let young bucks pass that have potential for those who do. I get it, it's just not my cup of tea. ok rant off. sorry to get sidetracked. any of ya'lls want to come hunting either species out here just let me know, I have a few spots set aside just in case.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.