Ah, New Year's resolutions. I quit making them years ago. But you who have made them, stick to what you have resolved 'cause I'm sure you know what's good for you.
I see by The Weather Channel that you in Minnesota and the Dakotas and other points north are getting some really sub zero weather. Take care and stay warm.
I am fighting an upper respiratory infection which ,just like last year, I caught from my wife. Went to urgent care yesterday since it was Sunday and I couldn't see my regular doctor. Got a shot in my glutus maximus(butt) and three prescriptions.I just decided to fight it in the early stages since it whipped me so bad last year. I feel better already from the steroid injection.
Over the next few days the rest of the meds will do their trick.
As of January 1 our deer season is ended and I did not score.We have mucho wild pigs on our lease and the intention is to hunt them now that deer is out. We have already had three or so killed by various members during deer season.They respond quite well to the baited areas where we have corn feeders out.I think this is a case for my new Savage Edge in .223. It's so darned accurate I can't believe it's me shooting it. Of course putting a 10X40X50 good scope on it has helped in that respect.
Looking at the post count for this thread always absolutely amazes me.This thread alone has, if I read it correctly, over ONE BILLION ,yes ,BILLION views.Amazing.I am proud to say I have been here from the start.There was something about the original thread which caught my attention. At that time I pm'ed Rick Bin and suggested stickying it to the top.He must have realized it also.
Have a great day all of you.

Stan in SC

Last edited by Stan_in_SC; 01/05/15.

The more I listen,the more I hear....and vice versa.

45/70,it's almost a religion.

If you have to take a second shot then you probably shouldn't have taken the first shot.