So, when are you going to do a feature film up there? Something like "Chickenbuck in da Moonlight" laugh? It oughta be at least as good and funnier than Jeff Daniel's "Escanaba in da Moonlight" crazy.

I passed my copy around the shop, and the local boys didn't much like it, they don't get the whole "Deer Camp" thing that you Northerners have going on. Too regional for them, they don't quite think that way you Yankees do.

I'm sorta with them, I don't get 'ice fishing' when it's -40, but hey, you're just making the best outa what you got. I can understand that, and applaud it.

In case you've missed the Jeff Daniels movie, go get it, quick like, it's funnier than it needs to be. smile

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.