Originally Posted by mikeymjr23
Good luck with your boy this weekend, tzone!

Hope you can get some shooting in!

Has he ever been there when you got a deer yet?

No, he hasn't. He's only been deer hunting once so far. I was VERY proud of him (he's 7 and can't legally hunt), he sat with me in 9*F temps for 3 hours before he had enough. Frankly, so did I.

He has been along on a few trips when we popped a few grouse. His excitement level then tells me, if we get one...he'll be the talk of the 2nd grade. He has a hunting friendly teacher as well. My daughter had her for 2nd grade. She let me come and talk to the class about fishing/hunting safety and tactics for some of the Science lessons. I hope I get to do it again!

We're going to sit on some property a family friend owns and there is a decent chance of seeing a deer. We've been given the OK to shoot whatever deer we'd like, and I'm going to take that offer. grin I have kiddo's to feed and they like venni.

I'll have a blind set up (turkey hunting style) that we can have some freedom for movement(remember he's 7 grin ). I will hunt as long or as short as he wants to. He runs the show this weekend. My daughter is welcome to come as well, but so far has decided to hang with Grandma.

I've never wanted to shoot a deer so bad as I do this weekend. But, he knows the gig. It's not a gimme no matter where we go. He also knows he gets a bit spoiled when it's time to play in the woods. Wheelers, campfires, sweets, hot chocolate... I'll make it worth his time either way.

What he doesn't know is the little lessons he's learning along the way. Like "what makes that track? Which way is it going? Why do you think he went there. Let's find something to start a fire with. Do you remember how to get out? you lead the way".... stuff like that, that the little bugger hangs onto like a steel trap.

Camp is where you make it.