Speaking of cats...last year during muzzle loader season near my home town in west Georgia a guy hunting on a management area shot and killed a cougar.There were pictures of him with it.The Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Fish and Wildlife did all kind of tests on it and the official story was that it was either a Florida one a long way from home or an unregistered(illegal)one that had either escaped or had been set free.
There was all kinds of hullabaloo over it with some people saying he should have let it walk and others siding with his having shot it.I never heard the final outcome but it seems the authorities were debating over filing charges against him.
If I had been sitting up in a tree and a cougar walked under me I would have shot it also.I'll try to find the post on that forum and put it in here.
O>K> here's the thread.There's a picture down a couple of posts.
In most all of the Southern states there have been undocumented sightings of both black panthers and cougars.The DNR in each state denies the existence.

Stan in SC

Last edited by Stan_in_SC; 12/02/09.

The more I listen,the more I hear....and vice versa.

45/70,it's almost a religion.

If you have to take a second shot then you probably shouldn't have taken the first shot.