thanks Craig.

They were poor times financially, but as my childhood goes, they were rich times. Rich in excitement, adventure, roaring hard belly laughs, very good times with a very good friend.

most of this was 26-27 years ago.

what happens to the time?

Having my favorite beer tonight, remembering my buddy.

hoist a glass, have a drink to a once skinny wiry dark haired iron range kid named Thad. Always smiling, always with mischief on his mind. His face would be pointed at your feet. But when you loked at him, his eyes would be on you, looking up through his eyebrows, that grin, hands in his pockets...

And you just knew, it was going to be a good day.

To my friend Thad Pecha: I hope they don't make you climb no rusty broken cable ladder to heaven. I'll take the cable ladder if it's the only way they will let me in. But I hope they let you take the elevator.

Something clever here.