the BIG Cole update:

Cole had his scan yesterday and .....was cancer free!!! That is such good news as his type of cancer has a very high return rate. as of right now, he is doing great, treatment over, getting his port out next week and no cancer. The worries are still there that it will come back, but as of right now YAHOOOOO!

Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Dont let up, he still is in a battle for his life. But at this point, he is beating the odds and doing well.

Here is the latest on caringbridge:

We are on the way back from the cities. it was a good scan. no new growth. we are excited and scared at the same time. we will be back next tuesday to remove the port. we are excited for Cole to get back to normal. It will be weird to see him with hair, or me for that matter. (This is Jon by the way) we appreciate all your prayers and support.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.