Originally Posted by Bill_55
Nice deer Kevin. I know what you mean about feeling you know everyone. I read the whole thread before I even registered. I have been there with the situation with your mother. I lost my dad to lung cancer about 10 years ago. They were going to remove half a lung and thought he would be fine, but he had a stroke and they had to do other procedures first. By the time they got around to the lung surgery the cancer had advanced to the point surgery could not save him. I will tell you you need to look into Hospice care. Dad spent his last two months in a Hospice center in Zanesville, Oh. Those people are fabulous. they take care of the patient and really support the family as well.can't say enough good things about them. Hang in there. It isn't easy but there is help out there.

Thanks Bill, Definitely will need to look into hospice. When my father in law was suffering from Parkinsons and alzheimers they were a blessing up until his passing. We Live in Philadelphia and her parents were out by Pittsburgh so we were making that drive ever 2 to 3 weeks and it was insane. My moms is only 10 minutes away which makes it easier but with a demanding job its still tough.

As for the deer he wasn't a very smart one. In hopes of saving my non existent reputation here I will say when I missed him the first time he didn't even look up when the gun went off. We'll just say he was close enough that I probably could have hit him with the butt of the gun.