Carrying on is suddenly difficult.

Because of the wind and rain and lack of sleep last night, I decided to not sit out in the timber behind the house for an hour like I have been. But I did walk the dogs.

Guess what we saw...

He was GINORMOUS (technical new-age term for effin' HUGE)! Makes all the bucks I've seen on trail cams look like dinks. He was less than 150 yds behind my backdoor. frown frown

Tonight is my last chance with a flintlock. I'm off to KS this tomorrow to shoot the last match of the season and then I'll only be able to use stick and string where this guy hangs and it is not habitat conducive to that. By late muzzle season he will be long gone (and probably dead of a shotgun blast or someone else's arrow.

Save an elk, shoot a cow.