don't worry about high jacking anything smile that's crazy talk.

yeah I want "rustic" the whole inside is sheeted with OSB as I got it for about 4.50 a sheet back in May. I'd like to cover the inside with rough sawn plank boards or something similar to give it that rustic cabin apeal. Don't get me wrong, the light colored planed tongue & groove stuff is beautiful but I'm not sure it's the direction I want to go with this place.

I have a friend at work here that has a huge stack of very old tongue & groove boards from an old impliment sales building that was supposedly taken apart over 50 years ago. If the building was taken apart 50 years ago it isn't unlikely that it was standing for 50 years prior. the boards are likely 100 years old or better.

they are "planed" on one side & rough on the other. I suppose you would call them about a 1x4 that probably nets about... 3.5" of coverage?

Well, the rough side looks freekin super crazy awesome IMO, and I figure this huge stack he has is enough to do my entire interior walls & ceiling!! He just told me to give him 900 bucks, take the stack now & pay him when I can....

evil man tempting me with this super cool rustic T&G!!!!

I wonder if I need both my kidneys? I know I can't part with my liver, I need that to filter my malt beverage drinking fluids.... Hmmmm, I have to think of something....

Something clever here.