Originally Posted by Grizzly_Bill
I was wondering what Pam was up to. She hasn't posted in a long time.

Dave, when do you close on the new house?

37� here this morning.

I'm still around Bill, ND hasn't chased me off yet! grin I've been lurking a few times a week to make sure everyone stays in line on here. Way to behave everyone, I haven't had to come on and straighten anybody out for a long time. LOL!

I've been packing and packing. Figured I better start since we have about a month til "moving day", that is if all the closings fall into place. With our sale, there are three others. That domino affect I guess.

It's good and bad packing up a house. Good because WOW do you get rid of garbage. Bad because I'm really gonna miss this place. It hits me sometimes just how many memories this place holds. Funny how when ND and I built this place, (yes I did help, stand up walls, insult, paint, etc) we thought we'd never move again. A place to "raise our little family and grow old together in". But I am excited for the new place, don't get me wrong. It's an amazing place and yes we will bring our memories with us as ND reassures me. And we'll make new memories in our new place too, probably the "female sentimental emotions" kicking in again.

Unfortunately I've been too busy to get out and take any pictures too. Maybe after the move, ND and I can go picturing. grin My ultimate retirement goal is to have ND go on hunting trips and me tag along to take pictures. Pictures of the hunt and pictures of scenery and wildlife....maybe some day it will happen.

Well enough of my ramblings, it's not all that exciting either. Everyone have a great day. Banana bread baking in the oven this morning for the kids, I best get ready for work now too. Take care all and we'll keep you posted on the BIG MOVE!

"I'm not crying!!"