Originally Posted by gophergunner
Tom, what foreign land was this you were camping in? I know it can't be up by Duluth, as I can see clearly at least 10 feet in any given direction!

Is this that clear cut I hunted, or maybe the one further down the road from where we hunted a couple years ago?

It's at the end of the logging road that leads to the "beaver pond" stand. Yes, it's a large clear cut, about 3 sections deep in various stages of cut.

It's about a mile from where I normally hunt. I don't think you've been down there.

My "walk in only" has been compromised by a knuckle head. There was wheeler tracks around the boulders and sign placed in the trail. I'm sure I'll get the blame since I was camped there and had the wheeler with me. Pizzes me off. That was the big attraction for me to that spot.

I'm still 100% positive nobody will find my blind or stand sites because it's a bitch of a walk. Like, I really don't want to get in there type of walk, but I know there are deer in there, even if there are only a few on cam there. It's a classic funnel and once the shooting starts, I have no doubt the deer will be in there.

Camp is where you make it.