Originally Posted by Rooster7
Originally Posted by Berettaman
80 million views, eh? dat der is a purty big number! With that many views and posts, it is a wonder that we are insulated here from all of the internet shenanigans that go on most other threads/forums. I think that a tone was set early and that made a lot of difference.

As I have gotten older, I have decided to make an official bucket list. Things that I would like to accomplish in my life. Finding an arrowhead is one of them. I would also like to add a visit some day to Chickenbuck to that list. God (and the Shaws) willing, maybe sometime that can happen!

A tone was set and also trolls are too lazy to read this many posts to figure out what they can troll about. Either way I'm glad they're not here to muddy up our coffee hour.

Heck Bman you're not THAT far away. You and Tzone could practically ride together from your door step. That is...if you don't argue about minivans and cut each other up with your man cards.


I can see them pulling up to camp in a mini van, bickering the whole way. they roll out the doors and hit the ground, exhausted and scratched to bits from a vicious 5 hour man card battle.


Man cards all over the inside of the mini van, thousands of them. Stuck into the door panels and headliner like ninja throwing stars.


Something clever here.