Merry Christmas weekend and Happy New Year to All... I see Mr. Savage99 Swish has dropped by and Mr. Trapper Stan, and all the others joining in on Daves Party, so me too I'm a party ccrassshinnnn...

Past midnight here and I've just filled the stove with wood again been scoopin and fighting snow most of the day or packing more wood in. What a Great feeling thanks for the snow guys more coming in right now another couple inches. Finally we got snow!!!

Well its been so long since I've checked in I had some catching to do again, I see Weezy is driving brown to school and Pam has a new toy, and Tzone needs a new snow blower. LOL..

Also a story of stories for Muffy, since we are talking pullin power. Long ago in say 92 or so I hooked a Bronco 2 model Ford to a Semi stuck on a hill covered with snow and pulled it up and over. Now if I'd been smart I'd have gotten pics however there were witnesses. Try that with a Chevy er umm Government Motors of the same size and let me know how much it cost to fix later.. LOL Sorry Muffy I'm having alittle fun with ya..

Dave I feel the same way as I roll into fillup with my 99 that I've now driven longer then any I've owned with 180K miles the F150 has a few dings and looks like heck as I'm hard on huntin trucks. Everyone keeps asking when I'll trade and I say when the Magicians stop spending my kids into oblivion and when the good ole days of the 70's come back. The Dukes need to showup with the General anytime now and save the day from Boss Ogg and sherriff Dumbo and Deputy Enis Reed and Nasty Nancy. Somehow someway I pray that all of this goes away and we see the Good Ole Boys Flying HIGH again saying Yeeehaw while Crazy Cooter is backin them up and Jessy is teaching right from wrong.

The MTV generation has crippled us badly in the election and now more then ever I fear the Great Genrations of building things from Cars and Trucks to Tractors, SkyScapers and Dams it fading fast. They need to learn what Respect and Honor mean and what it means to Really work. Ahh crud I got on a rant Sorry guys and gals.

Keep the stories coming and keep having fun wabo out..