Originally Posted by Berettaman
The thing I worry about with those high tech touch screens is how much it is gonna cost when they fizzle just out of warranty. I would imagine that is only warrantied for 3/36,000 right? They are nice when they work but if they should ever quit.... confused Also, when we went out west in a Dodge truck earlier snowmobiling, it was a major distraction to go through all the touch screen stuff. The drive had to spend a lot of time with his head down in the screen to manipulate it at all. Kinda dangerous. Voice activated seems better.

Ford is voice activated along with the touch option. I've only had mine for 4 days and I don't find the screen distracting at all. You make a good point though about repairs. Might have to shop the internet for a extended warranty.

We were out of power for 2 hours this morning. I also managed to plug up the blower twice with slush. We're supposed to get down to 17* tonight so it's going to be slick as heck in the morning.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except for bears. Bears kill you.