oh boy.... it's starting awfully early!!

I been watching deer hunting shows on TV, my oldest boy too.

This past weekend the kids were running around at the deer camp playing tunes on the grunt tubes & bleat cans, I'm so glad nobody grabbed that set of rattlin horns down off the wall & gave a few ticks & clicks or I think I would have gone primitive right there on the spot! Run off into the woods with a sharpened stick lookin for one of those pretty mid summer red coated timber goats!!

Funny what a cooler morning can do to a hunter eh?

like a damn switch! Click! Oop, I'm suddenly hungry for critter......

We'll ease into it Tom, ease into it, start with the waterfowl, upland game, small game.... Then mid Sept deer archery... get a little quality time with the skeeters in the deer stand with the stick & string.... then the second time out you bring a skeeter net....

You start seeing a few deer, mostly out of range, you pass on yearlings, spikers & does at heart thumping distance.... from there on you're done for.

The deer hunting has you in it's grips & it won't let loose until close to Christmas!!

Something clever here.