Our season opened Saturday, no deers were harmed this weekend but I did manage to sneak out Monday morning and hunt solo for a little bit. I glassed a few deer on the neighbors right by our fence line. Sure enough two wandered over to our place but were a ways off. I ranged them at 440 yards and wouldn't have shot but we're down to our last package of deer burger. I dialed and popped her. We've seen a couple really nice ones all summer and hope no one else has gotten them yet. I'd take like it if my boy gets one and Mama gets the other, they deserve it.
I'll let you know how we do this weekend.

Seeing lots of prairie chickens from time to time fine through so that's pretty cool. I think our deer numbers are down as well after last winter

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.