The chemo will wear you down. It's tough, tough, stuff but it works. I hope he is feeling better too. Tell him I'm thinking about him.

I remember my uncle saying the same thing, feeling like he had a hangover. My dad and I almost got kicked out of the hospital in Duluth in 1988. My uncle was in there with Leukeima, getting treatments. The Vikes were on and their deal was watching the game together with pizza and a brew.

The worlds best pizza is at a bar in Superior, WI called Shamrock. My family has been going there for over 40 years. So we picked up a Shamrock pizza and Pa got a bottle of Blackberry brandy and we went to see Rick and watch the game.

We got it into the room and got busted when the nurse was doing her rounds. Rick sweet talked the nurse to let us stay and it obviously picked up his spirts (in more way than one).

Get better Uncle Dusty!

Camp is where you make it.