Originally Posted by tzone

This man folks has been around the block and knows what it takes to make a camp... grin

I don't see any shooting windows in Dave's outhouse. They must be in the back side.
Anyway, I thought I'd tell you about another good idea I had. I help a friend (guide) set up his bear camps every so often. He uses those nice crappers like the feds use in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Dave has probably been on one. They have a nice toilet seat on 'em, but of course there are no walls, etc, so a guy is right out there, able to survey the surroundings and guard stuff, like real men always have. Anyway, last year I convinced the guide to put a bait right near a camp (with a portable stand over it) that the guys (clients) could hunt if they didn't want to go far from camp; you know, if they weren't well from all the travel or whatever. They killed three bears from it last year. This year, he put "camp baits" at all his camps. This year, when I helped set up a couple of camps, I saw that the crapper overlooked the new camp bait. The portable stand was accross the small valley, also overlooking the bait. Anyway, I convinced the guide to put a camo shoot-through tent/blind over the crapper. New stand!!! The clients love it and shot two bears from it since the opener. They don't use the portable stand much. smile

There are many copies.