Great Scott I've got some reading to do for catchup as soon as I post this. Sorry guys got busy again with the usual honey do's, not to mention I'm canning apricot Jam and just finished watching kiddo and kiddo#2 play little league.

We got home from the game and kiddo thunder and I just cut another 15 quarts worth of Jam so wifey will put them in jars tomorrow as I pick more. If I can keep the coons out I'll have sweetcorn and maters in less then a week. YUM!

Also finished a deal tonight with a cousin on a Big fiberglass ski boat I dunno I think its a 24 footer like a runabout of something. Real open and room to seat 10 or so people. No motor or trailer but in good shape 1 Benjy thats it, should make an awesome duckboat when I'm done! Thats my next projecto now.. LOL..