Howdy all. Condolences Tom. Always sorry to hear about losing a mentor.

I would like to mention our Youth Outdoor Activity Day that is coming up on Sunday, August 30 at 11 am at the Alexandria Shooting Park in Alexandria MN. This event is TOTALLY FREE! Kids get a free tshirt and backpack and everyone gets a free lunch. There are 32 activities for kids to participate in that day (list below). The list does not include the Gould Brothers Exhibition Shooting. Minnesota Bound will be out there filming and our advertising is covering much of the state (let me know if you have seen/heard any of our advertising). Our goal is to get kids off the couch and engaged in one of the activities listed below. If you are close to us or know anyone within a couple hours drive, this event is really worth it! Let me know if you have any questions!

Shoot/Don’t Shoot Course
Mock Blood Trail
Dog Training
Trap Shooting
BB Gun
Fire Building
Outdoor cooking
Tomahawk Throwing
Wood Duck Houses
Pet Care
Shotgun Patterning
Exhibition Shooting
Wall of Shame/Cos
Muzzleloader Shotgun shooting
Sling Shots/Pellet Gun PF Trailer
Fish ID
Casting Clinic
Deer Stand Safety
ATV Safety
Dark House Spearing
Fur Identification
Kids on Target
Invasive Species
BB Gun
Shelter Building

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.