Ok, I'm breaking my silence to tell all of you a funny story that happened today. I've often told Dave that he is causing his own problems by letting Weezie drive Carlos..aka the 77 Ford. Today is no different. grin

The text message went kinda like this:

Weezie: Hahahaha I just got asked to go eat dinner by a boy. All because of Carlos. Ha

Me: Whose the boy?

Weezie: An Erickson boy. Hahah I said i was busy.

Me: Was he cute?

Weezie: Yes. He stopped me on the road, just like his dad did this past summer to talk to me about Carlos.

Me: OMG that is funny!!

Only in small town USA. Funny, second time this week that Carlos has caused problems for Weezie. grin

Resume silence.

"I'm not crying!!"