Originally Posted by acooper1983
Originally Posted by northern_dave
Originally Posted by Grizzly_Bill
Originally Posted by northern_dave
Occupy deer stands is mostly a weekend protest because unlike the wall street protestors... we have to work for a living and we support ourselves and our families.

Also unlike the wall street protestors we shower (sometimes) and we clean up after ourselves. We don't do drugs in the deer stand or any nonsense like that.

But we do carry high powered rifles instead of protest signs and peace symbols.

It's a silent display of freedom and rights, and god willing it can also put some food in the freezer for our family.

It's clean, quiet, responsible, respectable.... I doubt the mainstream media will cover it.

Count me in Dave. I doubt that we'll get any union backing either.

Well, in disease and overpopulated areas you might see some union guys showing up looking for some money in exchange for a union contract.

Because everybody knows that's where the money is in this deer hunting gig. Over populated metro areas and disease areas.

Those areas get attention, attention gets funding, funds in exchange for eradication efforts.

And the efforts last for as long as the money lasts.

When the money is gone, the DNR will claim victory, i.e. �the disease is gone� or �the population has dropped to acceptable levels�

As long as the money is still there, efforts rage on and your deer numbers actually drop.

So, in a case like this (I can�t believe I�m about to say this�) A union appearance is a blessed thing.

See, If a union shows up because they smell wildlife management funds you may see a shortcut to a DNR declared victory.

Union will take all the money for the program in one big scoop and they will occupy the deer stands union style (nap time).

So, no deer will be harmed, the money will disappear, the DNR will claim victory and eradication efforts cease.

The only bad part about it is that 90% of the program funds will be routed directly to democratic party election efforts.


Thank you, thank you� I�ll be here all day for questions.

As you can see, I am exceptionally intelligent today.


wow dave i have read this thread for a long time, and thought you to be a better man than that. I am union Journeymen Wiremen, and find those comments not only off base, but very insulting. Ill be the first to admit that there are some useless unions (UAW is pretty high up there right behind teamsters) But dont lump skilled trades into that same cow pie, because some of the hardest working most ardent outdoorsmen i know are my local brothers, we take pride in the fact that we do the job Better, faster,and safer than the next guy, on time and under budget, or we get [bleep] canned and the contractor goes under. We care about our employers welfare because with out them we have no jobs, but they feel the same with, as without us, they wouldnt have a giant pool of excellent craftsmen to do thier projects like they are bid to done.


Camp is where you make it.