I'm hoping to get some cams out soon but probably won't be until the first weekend of October. Which, I'm ok with. The day I go up will be a long one. I'll have a tree stand to fix, one to build, and LOTS of lanes to trim.

I also would like to build a blind in a spot I've been in and out of CIA about a year now. It's a walk in area and a funnel. There isn't a lot of sign there, but there isn't a lot of deer there either. If there is a buck working this particular spot, he'll either have to skirt me, which I can't do anything about, or go through that funnel. I'll be eating back straps then.

We are also in a "bucks only" area. One spot GG is thinking of sitting, may not be. We will have to look at some maps for that and see what's up and what we can pop. I'm going to try to get a doe with my bow early to get the pressure off for burger and back straps.

Camp is where you make it.