Originally Posted by RaystownRon
Well, b'gawd, now ya went an' done it. Flushed me out of the shadows with all this talk 'bout toothless pike, don't ya know?
I swear (occasionally) I learn so much strange and unuseful (if that ain't a word, it oughta be) info on this site that sometimes I shudder ta think 'bout how dumb I was 'fore findin' this band o' merry Norsemen on the 'fire. Keep da smarts comin' boys. I'll stack 'em right next ta all the gems I'd already lerned 'bout whizin' off the camp porch for maximum distance, biuldin' ice shacks that look like they were coated in toasted Stay-Puff marshmallows, the names of machines with tracks and uses known only to those aforementioned merry Norsemen an' a few Eskimoes and, my all-time favorite, the pronunciation, composition, preparation, ingestion AND digestion of ........................Lutefisk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whew, this here was a tough post ta type. I had ta turn off spell-check ta type a few a' da words. I guess nobody helpin' in the dictioniary industry ever come across the word lutefisk. Spell-check didn't like it no way, no how.

Well, this is ol' Raystown signin' off from the land where blond hair comes from a bottle, not DNA and water only freezes in the refrigerator's ice maker and the vegetable crisper drawer.



Ha...Now dat's FF! Tanks for makin me smile like heck Ron! grin

Camp is where you make it.