Originally Posted by Rooster7

We are pulling for you and praying every day here too! You are thought about very often.

I still tell the story of when you and Lonnie took me and waylon to LOW fishing and that night in the hotel room you told Lonnie to "show us his trick". Lonnie rolls over on his back, tucks his knees up by his chest and puts a lighter by his azz. The next thing you know this 2 foot long methane flame comes out! laugh

I've never seen (or smelled) anything like it in my life! Cracks me the heck up to this day!

I like the LOW story when him & Lonnie went up there & they got in there room & there was only one bed. Dad went to the front desk & said he reserved a room with 2 beds. They said they were all booked up. Dad's reply was " I have done a lot of things in my life but there is one thing I will never do. I will not sleep in the same bed as a queer!" Lonnie didn't know for a long time after that why people ata the front desk were looking at him funny. laugh

I am out of order until further notice. My "stupid people" filter needs cleaning and my "give a damn" batteries have run out.