wow, gone for 4 days and I had 23 pages to catch up. Skimmed most of it.

Big Drift and Tzone, I think you were asking how old a kid has to be to hunt deer in MN. I believe they passed a law last year that allowed kids aged 10 and 11 to hunt deer as long as they were in the same stand as their parent/guardian. At 12, same rules, but need firearm safety training.

Sorry to hear about your grampa Colorado. Lost mine about 15 years ago.

Sounds like a good time will be had this weekend. I am looking forward to picks of Forky Toes on Monday.

ND, this close captioned just to you: T-minus 19 days til we leave for elk hunting.....

I was in Iowa last week and just made it out ahead of the rain. That was a close call. Can you imagine being stuck in Iowa????

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.