Originally Posted by ratsmacker
Originally Posted by kinser
Originally Posted by ratsmacker
So, when are you going to do a feature film up there? Something like "Chickenbuck in da Moonlight" laugh? It oughta be at least as good and funnier than Jeff Daniel's "Escanaba in da Moonlight" crazy.

I passed my copy around the shop, and the local boys didn't much like it, they don't get the whole "Deer Camp" thing that you Northerners have going on. Too regional for them, they don't quite think that way you Yankees do.

I'm sorta with them, I don't get 'ice fishing' when it's -40, but hey, you're just making the best outa what you got. I can understand that, and applaud it.
I hear you ! I just live about 80 miles north of Louisville. We had a pretty decent frost here Friday night so hopefully it will be colder this year for deer season.
In case you've missed the Jeff Daniels movie, go get it, quick like, it's funnier than it needs to be. smile
Have you ever been ice fishing ? I enjoy it myself sitting in the shack with the heat on and putting down a few cans of smart juice grin Plus you get to catch fish sometimes too ! LOL

Nope, we can't do ice fishing here in Kentucky, or northern Missouri, where I grew up, either. Ice doesn't get thick enough for my fat butt to get out on it, no friggin' way. It just doesn't get cold enough, for long enough, for that to happen.

The last few years, we could deer hunt in tennis shoes if we wanted to do so, and some of us did. It just doesn't get that cold (although, to hear the local folks, it's bitterly cold at +15, let alone 0.
I still deer hunt in MO, as I have a lot of family there, but even in MO, it's been awfully warm the last few years. Easy to sit, but too warm, nonetheless.
Doesn't look too promising for this year, either, here it is mid-October, and no frost here yet. We might have to use DEET in November if it doesn't cool off.