welcome John, thanks for the kind words, sorry for your loss.

I'll tell you what most guys will & probably have told you. Continue on as you would, as he would have you do.

easier said than done, i know it. But that's where I'm at this year. My goal is to get back on track & invest myself in the fun & the experience of deer camp.

We did very good last year to build the cabin & settle into a new camp with each other & become comfortable amidst the loss of our loved one. But this year I aim to do what I couldn't fully do last year, I'm going to do my cousin/best friend proud by really relaxing, really enjoying myself, laughing hard, playing hard, hunting hard. I�m gonna follow through fully with what he would have liked for me to be able to do so well last year.

I hope you can do the same.


Something clever here.