When hand driving a well point the critical one item is to be 99% certain there is a water vein no deeper than 24ft. ANything deeper than that is too far to be drawn by a hand pump or even an electric shallow well pump. Once you find the spot use a post hole digger to make a hole at least three feet deep. Much easier to start pounding when the point in the ground. You have to keep the pipe straight when starting, so use a 3ft or better level
Hand driveing in a spot that was "witched" also runs the chance that the vein is not big enough. I've witched a few wells that could only produce 1-1/2gal a minute. You really need at least 5 gal a minute. The tripod set up is nothing more than three hardwood poles about 16ft long, chained together at the top and set up over the hole. A big pulley is hung from the chain and the driver is pulled up by rope and then let drop to drive the point. If it quits raining here and I head out to the cabin site I'll take some pictures.
You will need a drive cap and a short 8-10" nipple. The nipple is screwed into the coupling at the top of the pipe and the drive cap onto it. This will help prevent damage to the pipe sections. My driver is extremely heavy, which makes driving a bit faster but lifting a bit more tiring. I also advise to put a heavy bumper into your driver so the drive cap does not hit metal when you are driving. I use a 2" thick piece of hard rubber matting that slips into the driver.