What did you decide for a stain? Just oil, is it tinted at all?

I'm going to try to sneak out of here a 2pm for a little sit in the bow stand. I have to get my earn-a-buck sticker for the upcomming gun season here.

I shot a doe on saturday. Shot under the heart/lung area and hit her in the leg. Had no blood for about 30-35 yds, then very sporadic after that. I tracked her for about 200 yds after a 45 min wait and jumped her just before dark. I backed out and waited until morning. I went in a 8am and found it about 150-200 yds from where I stopped on saturday night. However, Mr. Wiel E. Coyote beat me to the punch. One side and the hind quaters were gone already. There was not much to salvage. It looks like mr. tzone will have to buy a coyote call and give it a wistle this winter. I knew they were around, but not that close.


Last edited by tzone; 10/24/07.

Camp is where you make it.