I have a similar dilema....but different. the daughter is 9 so next year may be her first year. But we are in the slug zone. I have thought and thought and in the end, I think I am going to go with 1 shell in a Beretta 390 with a rifled barrel/scope. I have that setup already. Or I go buy a 20 ga slug setup for her. Remember, I have 3 kids!

This sure seems more complicated than when I was a kid shooting a H&R break open 20 ga that only had a bead for a sight and shot 2 feet to the right and 16" low at 75 yards! I can still remember aiming at my first deer.....

Okay, right behind the front leg, 1/3 of the way up....now, compensate for the gun so go 2 feet back, up 16" and....right there...uh, I am aiming at this deer's tail...pull the trigger....right through the lungs!

I want her to be set up with something better than that.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.