Originally Posted by Colorado1135
we use scat out here for DNA analysis as well, and since cat data is recorded everytime one is killed, they CAN at times determine its genetic origin such as where its ma or pa was killed. there are a few researchers out there who do collect the poop and try to map migrations or something with it. which is a little, well.... I guess some could argue the data has its purpose, I just don't know what it is. I'm with you guys, it seems a little silly to chase cat poop, but to each their own I guess. I just hope they are using private grant money rather than state or federal funds.

I'd say they had a chitty job. laugh

They're using cat poop to trace the migration of the cats seen here in WI. Most seem to come from MN, but at least one was traced back to the Dakotas.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Except for bears. Bears kill you.