Originally Posted by sgt217
Good kid...LOL

His Uncle is a cop and Jack thinks it the coolest thing in the world. COPS is his favorite show. Probably is too young to watch that but man....he eats it up. He has a tool belt full of hand cuff's, walkie-talkies, and flashlights. He pretends to hold the "bad guys" against the wall until "back up" gets there. grin He's a funny kid, very annimated while he does it too.

We went to Gander (on the way back when we got picked up) to get his hat he left there the day before. The guy was joking with him about working at GM, and he said "nope...I'm gonna be a Cop!"

Originally Posted by muffster
Does he want to be a cop so he can put you in jail himself?

Probably. He told me he wouldn't let me off with a warning either because I shouldn't have been speeding. eek

Camp is where you make it.