Originally Posted by Grizzly_Bill
Foggy as heck here today. Temp is around 40* and it's starting to rain again.

Out coffee group (5) made a run to Wausau today to check out a new gun shop. The shop is small and appears to cater to the concealed carry crowd.

When we entered the shop there were 2 guys looking at handguns. Here's a recap of the conversation.

Guy #1, "Whats that curvy thing?"

Clerk, "That's the hammer, it's a single action"

Guy # 1, "You mean you have to cock it first".

Clerk, "Yes, we also have double actions"

Guy #2, "Whats that mean ?"

I'll end it here, but the conversation just kept going down hill.

BTW, they didn't buy a gun. I hope they can't reproduce either.

Hey, at least the guy was asking the questions.

Ignorance can be cured with education. Stupid is forever.