
I'm a bit numb as to how I may come across at times when simply reciting history as i know it.

I should also add, I didn't start that fight, never have started a fight & for nearly 18 years straight now, I have managed to stay out of any sort of fight. (well except for that gulf war thing, but again, I didn't start that either grin )

But after that was over, I was done with all fighting.

So, no i'm not like that any more. smile I'm quite the opposite really.

I was just telling an old story about passing out, related to the topic of blood & stuff... or at least that's what I meant to do.

I'm no longer a fighter, and i do not encurage fighting.

I'm a stronger, more confident & fulfilled person today for my comitment to avoid fighting if at all possible.

I just wanted to be clear on that.

I was just poking fun at myself for geting hurt & passing out, wasn't intended as a tough guy story, i don't care for that sort of thing.

kids especially, keep that in mind if you read this. fighting proves nothing except how foolish you were growing up.

that's the truth.

Something clever here.