Thanks but I told Dave the wood spirit was for selfish reasons too. To continue to be invited to the cabin! laugh

No....It�s hard to believe its been a year since the numbing pain was so fresh in our hearts that it seemed like we would never be able to smile much less laugh ever again. And the first time we did, there was almost a twinge of guilt and remorse for doing so. I believe there have been enough tears shed in the past year to fill an ocean but the times we (my family and Dave's family along with the rest of our buddies family)have shared via email, at the cabin, fishing etc. have been priceless. It seems hard to believe that we have only been friends with Dave and Pam pretty much since the accident. Looking back over this past year, the fact that my wife and I have had someone who truly understands the devastating amount of grief we have all suffered has been a blessing. I truly believe our friend would have wanted it this way and probably looks down at us and laughs at the goofy stuff we talk about on almost a daily basis. I feel we need to make it a point to do more things together as families, love life and have fun. Have fun for our buddy so he has a lot to talk about when we get to see him again!

That is the reason for the gift....a little something just to say THANK YOU Dave and Pam for keeping in touch, understanding and sharing memories. And also what you are doing and have done for the kids.

There....I'm all done being sappy now!

Jim (Rooster7)

Stan - Glad to hear your feeling better!

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...