Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by Colorado1135
they should close the season down in that zone for a couple years, of course that would raise holy hell with hunters.

or do a live traps relocate program and switch the unlimited number of tags to wolf tags

I thought the DNR killed all the deer due to an outbreak of Bovine TB in the herd or something like that? Maybe I was mistaken, but, while there wasn't a ton of deer like down in southern MN, there used to be a bunch of deer up there co-existing with the wolves.

EDIT: I could have just kept reading the thread before opening my yap. DOH

wolves and deer did coexist (before we settled there), as long as the wolf numbers were kept in check by natural selection. around the turn of the century, man replaced the wolves. we killed the wolf, took his place and started to kill the deer. people reintroduce wolves, yet still try to hunt deer and are baffled when the numbers are down. coexist can be a dangerous word.

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