That's a good one wabigoon.

Maybe to expand on that idea a bit...

You'd have to split the kids up into groups but you could do a nature walk where the kids could be shown:
1) How to identify any local wildlife tracks*
2) Local edible wild plants
3) Local poisonous wild plants
4) Keep a scorecard of various local wildlife that the kids can check-off when they spot them on the walk.

*Although you might not have any guaranteed tracks to work with unless you cheat. Get a hold of some plaster molds of real tracks and either leave them along a trail for the kids to find or use them to make a fake animal trail. Then have the kids identify them using a simple photocopied sheet with local wildlife prints on it.

Have a display of various animal pelts that the kids can handle and identify.

A firearms display with a variety of different types and descriptions: Muzzleloaders, falling block single shots, lever action, bolt action, pump action, semi-auto, etc.

Let the kids make pine cone bird feeders that they can take home (fun for the little ones).
1) Make a small hole in the pine cone
2) Run a string through the hole
3) Smear with peanut butter
4) Roll in bird seed mix
5) Hang on tree at home

Steps 1 & 2 can be done before hand so the little ones only have to do the rest.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear