Griz, I thought you needed the stainless steel conifner pins for that?

Here is my pearl of wisdom for the week: Don't fly if you have a cold. OHMYGOSH, I have never been more miserable. My right ear didnt pop and I had so much pressure that it affected my optical nerves and my eyes.

I am in Houston now and observing a total PANIC over their winter weather. Shops and business are closed and people are dressed in so many layers it is comical. How bad of weather do you ask? 35 degrees with light rain and the fear of snow or ice. Winter weather adviseries, the news crews are out on location filming roads, and people are freaking out. I just shake my head. oh, and they canceled all the flights in here today. I had to come in yesterday to Austin and drive over.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.