Originally Posted by cabindweller
Nice set up at your camp for cooking outdoors on a perfect N. Minnesota fall day, complete with fresh grouse, and visit from a camp robber bird….Can't get much better than that!

You're right. It was a perfect fall day! The boys had a blast. All 5 of us I think! It's fun to watch them get so excited chasing the grouse around the woods.

There's not many grouse safe with Joey around. And the boys all made us a great soup! Top that off with Dave's famous breakfasts and you don't go hungry at chickenbuck.

Originally Posted by cabindweller

Was there much for scrapes showing up yet?

There wasn't much for actual sign that was wide open. Noah and I walked a heavy deer trail for about 150-200 yards and saw a rub on a small maple. We did see bucks with does on the ride into camp, and on the way home last night we saw a few actually chasing does around a hay field. So there are small signs popping up. This week and next, things are going to pop!

Camp is where you make it.